A Dentist Can Repair Your Dentures

January 18, 2022

Your full or partial dentures are an integral part of your everyday life. Sure, you need them to speak clearly, but using them to eat—the biting, chewing and grinding—can cause wear and tear. The majority of dental appliances need to be repaired eventually because they weaken and erode. Dentures that have been used for a long time can develop fractures. A dentist can restore them. 

The office of Woodruff Family Dentistry/Crowns Now treats a vast array of dental matters, including dentures. By placing an emphasis on the importance of consistent care, we are dedicated to helping every patient enjoy the benefits of a healthy and beautiful smile. We take as much time as you need to address your every concern and clearly explain your options in care. 

A poor fit is the most common way dentures fracture. If your upper and lower sets don’t align with each other, excessive pressure on one area causes micro splinters to form and eventually lead to a crack. Dropping dentures (accidentally, of course) on the floor is another “popular” reason why their teeth, metal clasps and pink areas rupture. 

Dentures are made of acrylic resin, which allows for repair. A dentist can easily reinforce or fix a fracture by simply adding more acrylic. You can do your part in preserving your dentures by holding them firmly while handling them. They can be quite slippery! When you clean your dentures, put a fluffy towel in the sink to, if needed, break their fall. To make sure they still fit properly and to ward off sudden fissures, inspect your dentures for wear and tear once a month. 

Woodruff Family Dentistry/Crowns Now’s team is made up of friendly, highly trained specialists who are eager to help you feel comfortable and relaxed while receiving the very best in dental care. For more information about Woodruff Family Dentistry/Crowns Now and how we can help you, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment.

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General, Family, Cosmetic, & Implant Dentistry

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