It’s commonly known that most adults have 32 teeth, compared with 20 primary, or baby teeth. But fewer know the different types of teeth, and how they work together harmoniously to help us speak and eat efficiently, and of course, to form a wonderfully toothy grin! Our friendly family dentist at Greer Office on Pennsylvania Ave would like to offer a brief primer on the different types of these tiny wonders, in the hope of encouraging our patients to give them all the “TLC” they deserve!
It’s easy to see that each of these four distinctly different shaped teeth has its job to do in helping us chew and digest properly. That’s why our dentist
Greer Office on Pennsylvania Ave urges our patients to brush and floss carefully between each of these 32 pearly whites, at least twice a day. And don’t forget to schedule regular professional cleanings and exams! Please call us today to schedule a visit!
General, Family, Cosmetic, & Implant Dentistry
Five offices throughout South Carolina offer a patient-centric approach and warm family values.