TMJ Treatments

June 17, 2020

The temporomandibular joints, or TMJ for short, are the complex joints located on either side of your head, below your ears, which make it possible for you to move your jaw. If you find it painful or difficult to move your jaw, our TMJ dentist may be able to provide treatment with a customized night guard. At Greenville Office on Cleveland Court, we utilize advanced, personalized approaches to alleviate the discomfort of TMJ disorder.

Every time you chew, yawn, swallow or speak, you are using the temporomandibular joints. Like all joints in the body, the TMJ can become inflamed and painful to move. Symptoms of TMJ disorder may include a clicking or popping sound when you open and close your mouth, lockjaw, headaches and muscle spasms. Our TMJ dentist will discuss your symptoms and provide a comprehensive examination to accurately evaluate your condition. A TMJ disorder can be attributed to a number of causes, including arthritis, misalignments of the teeth and bite, injury and bruxism. Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, places excess pressure on the TMJ, leading to TMJ disorder or exacerbating the condition. Teeth grinding can also cause teeth to wear down, chip and break. With a customized night guard, we can prevent teeth grinding and provide relief from TMJ disorder. The night guard fits over your top and bottom teeth, like a retainer, keeping your teeth slightly separated to minimize strain on the TMJ. Our night guards are designed to fit your mouth precisely, for effective results, and are comfortable, removable and easy to clean.

At Greenville Office on Cleveland Court, we provide advanced solutions to improve your health and wellbeing. If you are suffering from TMJ disorder, visit our TMJ dentist to find out if a customized night guard can help. To learn more about TMJ disorder or to schedule an appointment, call today

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